[seminar] Game Theory for Security: Challenges and Recent Progress
Abstract: Security is a critical concern around the world, whether it’s the challenge of protecting ports, airports and other critical national infrastructure, or protecting wildlife and forests, or suppressing crime in urban areas. In many of these cases, limited security resources prevent full security coverage at all times; instead, these limited resources must be scheduled, avoiding schedule predictability, while simultaneously taking into account different target priorities, the responses of the adversaries to the security posture and potential uncertainty over adversary types. Computational game theory can help design such unpredictable security schedules. Indeed, casting the problem as a Bayesian Stackelberg game, we have developed new algorithms that are now deployed over multiple years in multiple applications for security scheduling. These applications are leading to real-world use-inspired research in computational game theory in scaling up to large-scale problems, handling significant adversarial uncertainty, dealing with bounded rationality of human adversaries, and other interdisciplinary challenges. This talk will outline some key challenges of the next generation applications of security games, key research results, and open problems. Bio: Bo An is a Nanyang Assistant Professor with the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His current research interests include artificial intelligence, multiagent systems, game theory, and optimization. He has published over 40 referred papers at AAMAS, IJCAI, AAAI, ICAPS, JAAMAS and IEEE Transactions. Dr. An was the recipient of the 2010 IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award, an Operational Excellence Award from the Commander, First Coast Guard District of the United States, the Best Innovative Application Paper Award at AAMAS’12, and the 2012 INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice. He is a member of the Board of Directors of IFAAMAS and Associate Editor of Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (JAAMAS).
- Date: 16 December 2015