University of Technology, Sydney


Australia-Japan Workshop on Multi-user Quantum Networks 2014

October 22 - 24, 2014, UTS, Sydney, Australia.

Venue: Lecture Theatre CB02.04.11, UTS City Broadway Campus Building 2. Street address: 15 Broadway, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia. view on UTS City Campus map or a clip from google map
Registration Deadline: October 15, 2014.

The Australia-Japan workshop on Multi-user Quantum Networks will focus on the recent advances in quantum computing and quantum information processing. It aims at providing a forum for Australian and Japanese researchers in these fields to exchange their latest research results. All talks of the workshop (around 18) are by invitation only. This workshop will be jointly organised by Quantum Computation Laboratory (QCL) at Centre for Quantum Computation & Intelligent Systems, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia, and Japanese research fund Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Project on Multi-user Quantum Network" in cooperation with Japanese research fund Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Deepening Quantum Protocol Theory".

Conference Chairs

Runyao Duan (UTS)

Masahito Hayashi (Nagoya University & CQT, NUS)

Invited Speakers


Keisuke Fujii (Kyoto University)
Title: Measurement-based quantum computation using thermal states of many-body Hamiltonian
Time: 10:40-11:25, Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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Masahito Hayashi (Nagoya University & CQT, NUS)
Title: Generalized entropies and quantum security
Time: 09:30--10:15, Thursday, October 23, 2014
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Takeshi Koshiba (Saitama University)
Title: Private information retrieval via blind quantum computation
Time: 16:30-17:15, Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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Ryutaroh Matsumoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Title: Recent progress in quantum ramp secret sharing
Time: 10:40-11:25, Friday, October 24, 2014
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Tomoyuki Morimae (Gunma University)
Title: Developments of blind quantum computing
Time: 15:15-16:00, Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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Harumichi Nishimura (Nagoya University)
Title: Generalized quantum Arthur-Merlin games
Time: 14:30-15:15, Thursday, October 23, 2014
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Tomohiro Ogawa (The University of Electro-communications)
Title: Quantum relative Renyi relative entropies and strong converse theorems
Time: 11:25-12:15, Thursday, October 23, 2014
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Dominic Berry (Macquarie University)
Title: Exponential improvement in precision for simulating sparse Hamiltonians
Time: 15:15-16:00, Thursday, October 23, 2014
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Michael Bremner (UTS)
Title: Towards a proof of the classical intractability of quantum simulation
Time: 16:30-17:15, Thursday, October 23, 2014
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Gavin Brennen (Macquarie University)
Title: Quantum algorithms for complex and real temperature partition functions
Time: 09:30--10:15, Friday, October 24, 2014
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Simon Burton (The University of Sydney)
Title: Error correction in a Fibonacci anyon code
Time: 14:30-15:15, Friday, October 24, 2014
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Andrew Darmawan (The University of Sydney)
Title:Graph states as ground states of two-body frustration-free Hamiltonians
Time: 11:25-12:15, Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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Runyao Duan (UTS)
Title: Quantum unambiguous capacity
Time: 15:15-16:00, Friday, October 24, 2014
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Min-Hsiu Hsieh (UTS)
Title: The learnability of quantum measurements
Time: 11:25-12:15, Friday, October 24, 2014
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Arne Laucht (University of New South Wales)
Title: Single donor qubits in 28Si: New benchmarks for solid state qubits
Time: 16:30-17:15, Friday, October 24, 2014
Abstract (in pdf)

Marco Tomamichel (The University of Sydney)
Title: Strong converse bounds for quantum communication
Time: 10:40-11:25, Thursday, October 23, 2014
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Mingsheng Ying (UTS)
Title: Quantum recursion and second quantisation
Time: 09:30--10:15, Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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Oversea Speaker

Joe Fitzsimons (Singapore University of Technology and Design & CQT, NUS)
Title: Blind and verifiable quantum computation
Time: 14:30-15:15, Wednesday, October 22, 2014
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A detailed program of the workshop together with a list of participants is now available. You can download either a simplified version (in pdf, 2 pages)(recommended) or a full version (in pdf, 9 pages). The time-schedule is as below.

AJW2014 Program
Venue: Lecture Theatre CB02.04.11, UTS City Broadway Campus
Reception: 08:30--09:20, Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Opening Remarks: 09:20--09:30, Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22
October 23
October 24
Mingsheng Ying
Masahito Hayashi
Gavin Brennen
Tea Break
Tea Break
Tea Break
Keisuke Fujii
Marco Tomamichel
Ryutaroh Matsumoto
Andrew Darmawan
Tomohiro Ogawa
Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Group Photo
Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break
Joe Fitzsimons
Harumichi Nishimura
Simon Burton
Tomoyuki Morimae
Dominic Berry
Runyao Duan
Tea Break
Tea Break
Tea Break
Takeshi Koshiba
Michael Bremner
Arne Laucht
Free Discussions
Free Discussions
Free Discussions


Anyone who is interested in these topics is welcome to attend the workshop. Please send a registration email to ajw2014 AT to register your attendance. This email should be titled as “AJW2014_FirstName_LastName”. Please also provide in your email your current affiliation, position, title, and research interests. Registration by email is compulsory as the capacity of the venue is strictly limited (no more than 100 seats are available). Please register your participation as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Approved applicants will be notified by email.(You will receive an auto-reply once you have successfully delivered the message to us. We will answer your email normally in two working days. If you haven't got an auto-reply, please try to resend the message to us again). Please also send all issues regarding registration to the above email address.

No registration fee will be charged for attending workshop. Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses. If you are travelling from the outside of NSW, we strongly suggest you to book your return train/air tickets and accommodation in advance once you decide to participate the workshop. Otherwise your travel plan may be considerably affected.

Registration (by email) Deadline: October 15, 2014. Please note that we might stop accepting new registration earlier if the maximum capacity is achieved.

Reception Day: 08:30--09:20, October 22, 2014, Lecture Theatre CB02.04.11, UTS City Building 2.

Contact Person: Prof. Runyao Duan, runyao.duan AT Please send to this email address only enquiries other than registration.

Phone: +61-2-9514 4619.