University of Technology, Sydney

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The Quantum Computation Laboratory was established in September 2008, as one of the five laboratories in the Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems(QCIS) at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) . The Lab currently has six key research-only academic staff and five PhD research students.

The Laboratory's mission is to study theoretical questions arising in the field of quantum computation and information, and to further explore its power from the view-point of theoretical computer science and classical information theory. It aims to become one of the world's leading research laboratories in the research field of quantum computation and information.

Research Interests in General

Three key areas of research for the Quantum Computation Laboratory are:

  • Theoretical foundations of quantum computation
  • Basic information processing problems in quantum information theory
  • Understanding entanglement as a resource, and developing a quantitative theory about entanglement

The Laboratory believes that a systematic study of these topics will advance our understanding of the limits of quantum computation and information, as well as lead to new, efficient quantum algorithms and information processing methods .The Lab is also interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and aims to undertake research to discover possible connections between AI and quantum computing.


To date, the Quantum Computation Laboratory has achieved:

  • In the area of theoretical foundations of quantum programming: Hoare logic for quantum programs, predicate transformer semantics of quantum programs, and refinement calculus for quantum programming.
  • In the area of distributed and concurrent quantum computing: an algebra processing approach to concurrent quantum computation, formal methods and proof techniques for the design and verification of quantum communication protocols, and the role of entanglement in distributed quantum computing.
  • In the area of quantum information theory: discrimination of quantum states and operations, entanglement transformations, and zero-error capacity of quantum channels.
  • In the area of spatial reasoning: establishment of expressive representation formalism of spatial knowledge and provision of effective reasoning mechanisms.
  • More than 80 published papers in international refereed journals ranked A*/A – for example:
  • ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Acta Informatica
  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
  • IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
  • IEEE Transactions on Computers
  • Information and Computation
  • Journal of Symbolic Logic
  • Multiple AAAI and IJCAI papers
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Physical Review Letters
  • Physical Review A


  • For more information, please contact the Quantum Computation Laboratory by email at:, or visit their website at: